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模型描述的高级数据结构 mjCModel

我们在初识仿真系统模型时提到,MuJoCo 通过 mj_loadXML 把上层的描述文件加载到内存时, 会通过解析器(parser)将其转换为上层的 C++ 数据结构 mjCModel。它只是一个中间结构,实际仿真中,还会将之转换成底层的 C 结构 mjModel。之后,mjCModel 对象就没有用了,可以丢了。 毕竟高级的数据结构是设计给人类看的,我们可以直接通过它来描述仿真场景。

本文,我们从 MJCF 文件解析器的代码入手,详细解析 mjCModel 的构成和构造方法。

1. MJCF 标签概述

前文已经介绍了 MJCF 是如何通过 body 标签描述仿真系统中各个物体的拓扑关系, 在标签 default 中设定默认参数。除此之外,MuJoCo 还需要很多配置项来完整描述一个仿真系统,为此,MJCF 还定义了很多标签。 为了标识一个 xml 文件是 MJCF 格式的,其中有且仅有一个 mujoco 标签,并且该标签必须在最上层。下面我们概述可以直接写在 mujoco 下的子标签, 详细说明可以参见官方文档

我们在分析函数 mjParseXML 的时候看到, MuJoCo 通过类 mjXReader 完成 MJCF 文件的解析工作。 类 mjXReader 将可以直接写在 mujoco 下的子标签称为 section, 如下面的代码片段所示,mjXReader 为每个 section 提供了一个解析函数。

        // XML sections embedded in all formats
        static void Compiler(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section, mjCModel* mod);  // compiler section
        static void Option(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section, mjOption* opt);    // option section
        static void Size(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section, mjCModel* mod);      // size section
        // XML section specific to MJCF
        void Default(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section,   int parentid);         // default section
        void Extension(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                       // extension section
        void Custom(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                          // custom section
        void Visual(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                          // visual section
        void Statistic(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                       // statistic section
        void Asset(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                           // asset section
        void Body(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section, mjCBody* pbody, mjCFrame* pframe); // body/world section
        void Contact(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                         // contact section
        void Deformable(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                      // deformable section
        void Equality(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                        // equality section
        void Tendon(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                          // tendon section
        void Actuator(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                        // actuator section
        void Sensor(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                          // sensor section
        void Keyframe(tinyxml2::XMLElement* section);                        // keyframe section
!required element, can appear only once
?optional element, can appear only once
*optional element, can appear many times
Roptional element, can appear many times recursively

下面是函数 mjXReader::Parse() 的代码片段。 该函数负责解析 xml 文件,大体上分为语法检查和模型构造两个阶段。如下面的片段所示,在函数的一开始,mjXReader 通过 mjXSchema 类型的成员变量 schema 检查文件是否存在语法错误。

        void mjXReader::Parse(XMLElement* root) {
            if (!schema.GetError().empty())
                throw mjXError(0, "XML Schema Construction Error: %s\n", schema.GetError().c_str());
            XMLElement* bad = 0;
            if ((bad = schema.Check(root, 0)))
                throw mjXError(bad, "Schema violation: %s\n", schema.GetError().c_str());

然后从 xml 的根节点上获取模型的名称,如果紧跟着 mujoco 的开始标签是一个注释项(如右图所示),还会将其专门保存到 model->comment 中。

            ReadAttrTxt(root, "model", model->modelname);
            if (root->FirstChild() && root->FirstChild()->ToComment()) {
                model->comment = root->FirstChild()->Value();
            } else {

接下来,就是逐项解析各个 section。通过 FirstChildElement 获取指定类型的 section 标签,然后通过 NextSiblingElement 实现迭代器, 并在 for 循环内部通过各 section 的解析函数完成模型的构造。

            // 套路都一样,这里只保留了 compiler 作为示例
            for (XMLElement* section = root->FirstChildElement("compiler"); section; section = section->NextSiblingElement("compiler"))
                Compiler(section, model);

2. 类 mjCModel 的关键成员

MuJoCo 的模块 src/user 中实现了面向用户的上层接口。 类 mjCModel 就被定义在 src/user/user_model.h 中, 它与MJCF 格式中定义各个标签和属性是一一对应的,包含生成低级模型所需的一切信息。 我们可以通过调用"Add"前缀的函数、设置各个对象的公共字段来手动构造之。但更推荐通过加载 xml 描述文件来获得一个高级对象。 完成 mjCModel 对象的构建之后,就可以调用 Compile 来生成相应的低级模型对象。至此 mjCModel 对象的使命就结束了。

在下面的代码片段中,除了构造和析构函数之外,还声明了四个函数。其中 Compile 用于生成低级模型对象,CopyBack 则是 Compile 的反函数用于从低级模型反编译回高级模型。 FuseStatic 用于合并那些静态连接的刚体。如果在一个 body 的标签中没有定义 joint,那么该刚体将被认为与父节点固连在一起,FuseStatic 可以将他们整体看做是一个刚体。 一旦有刚体被合并了,就需要调用 FuseReindex 对刚体和关节重新编号。

        class mjCModel {
            // 省略友元的声明
                mjCModel();                                          // constructor
                ~mjCModel();                                         // destructor
                mjModel*    Compile(const mjVFS* vfs = 0);           // COMPILER: construct mjModel
                bool        CopyBack(const mjModel*);                // DECOMPILER: copy numeric back
                void        FuseStatic(void);                        // fuse static bodies with parent
                void        FuseReindex(mjCBody* body);              // reindex elements during fuse

下面的代码片段中声明了各种 Add 前缀的成员函数。通过这些接口 mjCModel 会帮我们构建一个指定类型的模型元素对象,比如纹理(texture)、执行器(actuator)等。 我们还需要拿着这些元素对象填充上合适的属性值。这些元素对象都派生自 mjCBase

                mjCFlex*     AddFlex(void);                          // flex
                mjCMesh*     AddMesh(mjCDef* def = 0);               // mesh
                mjCSkin*     AddSkin(void);                          // skin
                mjCHField*   AddHField(void);                        // heightfield
                mjCTexture*  AddTexture(void);                       // texture
                mjCMaterial* AddMaterial(mjCDef* def = 0);           // material
                mjCPair*     AddPair(mjCDef* def = 0);               // geom pair for inclusion
                mjCBodyPair* AddExclude(void);                       // body pair for exclusion
                mjCEquality* AddEquality(mjCDef* def = 0);           // equality constraint
                mjCTendon*   AddTendon(mjCDef* def = 0);             // tendon
                mjCActuator* AddActuator(mjCDef* def = 0);           // actuator
                mjCSensor*   AddSensor(void);                        // sensor
                mjCNumeric*  AddNumeric(void);                       // custom numeric
                mjCText*     AddText(void);                          // custom text
                mjCTuple*    AddTuple(void);                         // custom tuple
                mjCKey*      AddKey(void);                           // keyframe
                mjCPlugin*   AddPlugin(void);                        // plugin instance


                // delete elements marked as discard=true
                template <class T>
                void Delete(std::vector<T*>& elements, const std::vector<bool>& discard);
                template <class T>
                void DeleteAll(std::vector<T*>& elements);           // delete all elements
                int         NumObjects(mjtObj type);                 // number of objects in specified list
                mjCBase*    GetObject(mjtObj type, int id);          // pointer to specified object

成员变量 comment 就是在解析函数中提到的关于模型的描述。modelfiledir 则是模型文件的路径, defaults 中记录了模型文件中定义的所有默认参数配置

                std::string comment;            // comment at top of XML
                std::string modelfiledir;       // path to model file
                std::vector<mjCDef*> defaults;  // settings for each defaults class

下面是关于 compiler, statisticsize 的配置,以及装载各类元素的容器。它们基本上与 xml 的描述完全对应的。

                bool autolimits;                // infer "limited" attribute based on range
                double boundmass;               // enforce minimum body mass
                double boundinertia;            // enforce minimum body diagonal inertia
                double settotalmass;            // rescale masses and inertias; <=0: ignore
                bool balanceinertia;            // automatically impose A + B >= C rule
                bool strippath;                 // automatically strip paths from mesh files
                bool fitaabb;                   // meshfit to aabb instead of inertia box
                bool degree;                    // angles in radians or degrees
                char euler[3];                  // sequence for euler rotations
                std::string meshdir;            // mesh and hfield directory
                std::string texturedir;         // texture directory
                bool discardvisual;             // discard visual geoms in parser
                bool convexhull;                // compute mesh convex hulls
                bool usethread;                 // use multiple threads to speed up compiler
                bool fusestatic;                // fuse static bodies with parent
                int inertiafromgeom;            // use geom inertias (mjtInertiaFromGeom)
                int inertiagrouprange[2];       // range of geom groups used to compute inertia
                bool exactmeshinertia;          // if false, use old formula
                mjLROpt LRopt;                  // options for lengthrange computation
                double meaninertia;             // mean diagonal inertia
                double meanmass;                // mean body mass
                double meansize;                // mean body size
                double extent;                  // spatial extent
                double center[3];               // center of model
                std::string modelname;          // model name
                mjOption option;                // options
                mjVisual visual;                // visual options
                std::size_t memory;             // size of arena+stack memory in bytes
                int nemax;                      // max number of equality constraints
                int njmax;                      // max number of constraints (Jacobian rows)
                int nconmax;                    // max number of detected contacts (mjContact array size)
                size_t nstack;                  // (deprecated) number of fields in mjData stack
                int nuserdata;                  // number extra fields in mjData
                int nuser_body;                 // number of mjtNums in body_user
                int nuser_jnt;                  // number of mjtNums in jnt_user
                int nuser_geom;                 // number of mjtNums in geom_user
                int nuser_site;                 // number of mjtNums in site_user
                int nuser_cam;                  // number of mjtNums in cam_user
                int nuser_tendon;               // number of mjtNums in tendon_user
                int nuser_actuator;             // number of mjtNums in actuator_user
                int nuser_sensor;               // number of mjtNums in sensor_user
                std::vector<mjCFlex*>     flexes;      // list of flexes
                std::vector<mjCMesh*>     meshes;      // list of meshes
                std::vector<mjCSkin*>     skins;       // list of skins
                std::vector<mjCHField*>   hfields;     // list of height fields
                std::vector<mjCTexture*>  textures;    // list of textures
                std::vector<mjCMaterial*> materials;   // list of materials
                std::vector<mjCPair*>     pairs;       // list of geom pairs to include
                std::vector<mjCBodyPair*> excludes;    // list of body pairs to exclude
                std::vector<mjCEquality*> equalities;  // list of equality constraints
                std::vector<mjCTendon*>   tendons;     // list of tendons
                std::vector<mjCActuator*> actuators;   // list of actuators
                std::vector<mjCSensor*>   sensors;     // list of sensors
                std::vector<mjCNumeric*>  numerics;    // list of numeric fields
                std::vector<mjCText*>     texts;       // list of text fields
                std::vector<mjCTuple*>    tuples;      // list of tuple fields
                std::vector<mjCKey*>      keys;        // list of keyframe fields

                std::vector<std::pair<const mjpPlugin*, int>> active_plugins;  // list of active plugins
                std::vector<mjCPlugin*>   plugins;     // list of plugin instances

                // pointers to objects created inside kinematic tree
                std::vector<mjCBody*>   bodies;   // list of bodies
                std::vector<mjCJoint*>  joints;   // list of joints allowing motion relative to parent
                std::vector<mjCGeom*>   geoms;    // list of geoms attached to this body
                std::vector<mjCSite*>   sites;    // list of sites attached to this body
                std::vector<mjCCamera*> cameras;  // list of cameras
                std::vector<mjCLight*>  lights;   // list of lights


                int nbody;                      // number of bodies
            int njnt;                       // number of joints
            int ngeom;                      // number of geoms
            int nsite;                      // number of sites
            int ncam;                       // number of cameras
            int nlight;                     // number of lights
            int nflex;                      // number of flexes
            int nmesh;                      // number of meshes
            int nskin;                      // number of skins
            int nhfield;                    // number of height fields
            int ntex;                       // number of textures
            int nmat;                       // number of materials
            int npair;                      // number of geom pairs in pair array
            int nexclude;                   // number of excluded body pairs
            int neq;                        // number of equality constraints
            int ntendon;                    // number of tendons
            int nsensor;                    // number of sensors
            int nnumeric;                   // number of numeric fields
            int ntext;                      // number of text fields
            int ntuple;                     // number of tuple fields
            int nkey;                       // number of keyframes
            int nmocap;                     // number of mocap bodies
            int nplugin;                    // number of plugin instances
                int nq;                         // number of generalized coordinates = dim(qpos)
            int nv;                         // number of degrees of freedom = dim(qvel)
            int nu;                         // number of actuators/controls
            int na;                         // number of activation variables
            int nbvh;                       // number of total boundary volume hierarchies
            int nbvhstatic;                 // number of static boundary volume hierarchies
            int nbvhdynamic;                // number of dynamic boundary volume hierarchies
            int nflexvert;                  // number of vertices in all flexes
            int nflexedge;                  // number of edges in all flexes
            int nflexelem;                  // number of elements in all flexes
            int nflexelemdata;              // number of element vertex ids in all flexes
            int nflexshelldata;             // number of shell fragment vertex ids in all flexes
            int nflexevpair;                // number of element-vertex pairs in all flexes
            int nflextexcoord;              // number of vertex texture coordinates in all flexes
            int nmeshvert;                  // number of vertices in all meshes
            int nmeshnormal;                // number of normals in all meshes
            int nmeshtexcoord;              // number of texture coordinates in all meshes
            int nmeshface;                  // number of triangular faces in all meshes
            int nmeshgraph;                 // number of shorts in mesh auxiliary data
            int nskinvert;                  // number of vertices in all skins
            int nskintexvert;               // number of vertices with texcoord in all skins
            int nskinface;                  // number of faces in all skins
            int nskinbone;                  // number of bones in all skins
            int nskinbonevert;              // number of vertices in all skins
            int nhfielddata;                // number of data points in all hfields
            int ntexdata;                   // number of texture bytes
            int nwrap;                      // number of wrap objects in all tendon paths
            int nsensordata;                // number of mjtNums in sensor data vector
            int nnumericdata;               // number of mjtNums in all custom fields
            int ntextdata;                  // number of chars in all text fields, including 0
            int ntupledata;                 // number of objects in all tuple fields
            int npluginattr;                // number of chars in all plugin config attributes
            int nnames;                     // number of chars in all names
            int npaths;                     // number of chars in all paths
            int nM;                         // number of non-zeros in sparse inertia matrix
            int nD;                         // number of non-zeros in sparse dof-dof matrix
            int nB;                         // number of non-zeros in sparse body-dof matrix

3. 完

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